<<display "stopall">><<playbgm b6NDdF-R2uk 20>>yeah that was pretty bad\nbut there's an idea there, just badly executed\nwhat if i focused it on going through a few different versions of the same song?\n[[sure|go through different version of the same song]]
oh yeah i'm cool\ni totally know these dudes\nwell, one of them\n[[okay not closely]]
yeah like this song for example, i first heard it recently but i have no idea if it might actually be super well known\nmaybe it was all over the radio [[(checks)]]
<<display "stopall">><<playbgm j81fYZVvFh4 10>>yeah i'm better than other people because i listen to music that's not all mainstream and stuff\n\n[[but wait]]
yeah\nokay but what about the twist, i've got to have some kind of twist\npeople expect it of me now\n[[just glitch it out like usual i guess]]
yeah it's pretty tasteless how i've done it\nlike any one of these songs is clearly a way better piece of art than this pathetic game i've coerced them into, i should really take this exercise more seriously and treat the source material with respect\n[[totally]]
<<display "stopall">><<playbgm oeHaxYvJgTE 37>>oh yeah i could pick a kiwi band and kill two birds because it'll probably be something you haven't heard of and i can be all like\n[[oh yeah i'm cool]]
who's that writing?\n\nfor makega.me pageant "one hit wonder".\n\n[[play|First]]
yeah i can start with a really old recording\nthat people might not recognise at first\n[[the ruin of many a poor boy]]
oh yeah i'm cool\ni totally know these dudes\n[[well, one of them]]
yeah i'm having my doubts\nmaybe this was a bad idea from the start\ni should do something different\n[[code up something more complex]]\n[[just glitch it out like usual i guess]]
okay new rule:\nwhen you click a link, mean it\nclick from the heart\ntake your time, feel it\n[[john the revelator|john the revelator2]]
yeah that's what i thought\n[[let's pick a different song]]
but if i go with that idea this probably isn't the best choice of song\n[[it's not that well known]]
<<display "stopall">><<playbgm 4DPDpz-m0xg>>fuck
<<display "stopall">><<playbgm CmwRQqJsegw 12>>fuck
oh yeah i'm cool\ni totally know these dudes\nwell, one of them\nokay not closely\n[[well i know his sister]]
but still there's something in the music that's not being reflected when we click these links\n[[passion]]\n
<<display "stopall">><<playbgm iS1g8G_njx8>>okay i'm listening to top 40 now\n[[i'm not really into it]]\n[[but this doesn't solve my problem anyway]]
yeah like this song for example, i first heard it recently but i have no idea if it might actually be super well known\nmaybe it was all over the radio ten years ago?\nyeah wow it's from 2004 that won't make me look up to date\n[[get up to date]]
<<display "stopall">><<playbgm UW4fE2x1hxk>>yeah i mean it could be another one?\nthere's so many i could pick\nhow can i choose\n[[not so fussed anymore]]
uGBoP70A7Q0 - son house\nj81fYZVvFh4 - edit ants\n
yeah i want people to like me\ni should think about who might play this\nwhat they might like\nand then i can fit in\n<a href="https://twitter.com/smestorp/status/486386174014291968">ask twitter</a>\n<a href="http://makega.me/category/pageants">look on the forum</a>\n<a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/chart/singles">search the charts</a>\n[[yeah i don't know this seems like a timesink|gotta pick a song that signals the right things]]
yeah i'm better than other people because i listen to music that's not all mainstream and stuff\n\nbut wait\nthis might fall flat if i don't pick well\n[[what if something seems obscure to me but you're sick of it already?]]
yeah he's singing from the heart\nand you're just clicking from the fingers\n[[click]]
<<display "stopall">><<playbgm Ng6NhyvkXVw 50>>yeah just throw in some metal about dragons and swords and be done with it\n\ndefinite videogame\n\n[[no|gotta pick a song that signals the right things]]
who's that writing?
actually a few weeks ago i was listening through a whole bunch of recordings of one song to try to find a particular cover i'd heard\nit was kind of intense\nwonder if there's a game there\n[[yeah maybe]]
ah cool\nbut maybe not everyone will have\nalso this version is a bit too long maybe\nfor comparing different versions they should be short\n[[let's pick a different song]]
<<stopbgm Ng6NhyvkXVw>><<stopbgm uGBoP70A7Q0>><<stopbgm XlQgspLyC7s>><<stopbgm b6NDdF-R2uk>><<stopbgm j81fYZVvFh4>><<stopbgm X0Iv3RgEscc>><<stopbgm 5A-4VGfx5lU>><<stopbgm 4DPDpz-m0xg>><<stopbgm iS1g8G_njx8>><<stopbgm oeHaxYvJgTE>><<stopbgm CmwRQqJsegw>><<stopbgm UW4fE2x1hxk>>
<<display "stopall">><<playbgm XlQgspLyC7s 84>>this has got to be the first time anyone's searched "son house dubstep"\n[[with good reason]]
yeah\nmaybe?\ni'm kind of doubting the whole concept now\nwhat do you think?\n[[it's totally sweet]]\n[[yeah kinda bad]]
yeah this call and response structure might work for a game?\nmimicry\n[[but what about choice?]]
yeah you're right\ndamn\nand i've wasted all this time looking up music and everything\n\n[[it's even worse because you tried to be clever about it with this meta narrative of making a game about making the game and it just totally fell flat]]
ugh yeah i'm kind of doubting the whole concept now\nwhat do you think?\n[[it's totally sweet|it's totally sweet 1]]\n[[yeah kinda bad|yeah kinda bad 1]]
is choice an essential part of games?\n[[yes]]\n[[no]]
<<set $count=$count+1>>who's that writing?\n<<if $count eq 3>>[[yeah]]\n[[this isn't really working]]<<else>>[[john the revelator|john the revelator2]]<<endif>>
body {\nbackground-image:url('http://i.imgur.com/baGGzRV.gif');\n}\n
okay forget it i don't need to know rockstars you haven't heard of to be cool\ni'm totally cool i make videogames\n[[but this doesn't solve my problem anyway]]
and this will help to signal superiority too\nbecause i know an older, more authentic version\n(although i just googled it obv)\n(and it's a folk song anyway)\n[[don't do like i have done]]
<<display "stopall">><<playbgm 5A-4VGfx5lU>>cool and then after a bit i'll switch to a different version and you can compare them\n[[excellent]]\n[[that was too soon to switch]]
okay how should it be chosen\n[[it should be well known|let's pick a different song]]\n[[it should have lots of covers|let's pick a different song]]\n[[it should be on youtube so i can include it|let's pick a different song]]\n[[it shouldn't be too long|let's pick a different song]]\n[[it should make me look good]]
yeah it isn't though\n\n[[it's even worse because you tried to be clever about it with this meta narrative of making a game about making the game and it just totally fell flat|it's even worse because you tried to be clever about it with this meta narrative of making a game about making the game and it just totally fell flat 1]]
so you play this game by listening to the different versions and comparing them\n[[sure]]\n[[it's not the best choice of song though]]
<<set $time to bgmtime("uGBoP70A7Q0")>>tell me who's that writing?\n<<if $time lt 0.078>>[[john the revelator]]<<else>>john the revelator\nwrote [[the book of the seven seals]]<<endif>>
or is it?\ni mean there's a lot of covers of it but i hadn't heard any until fairly recently\ndid you know it?\n[[yes|yes2]]\n[[no|no2]]
<<set $count = 0>><<playbgm uGBoP70A7Q0>><<display "john the revelator">>
plus i'm kind of doubting the whole concept now\nwhat do you think?\n[[it's totally sweet|it's totally sweet]]\n[[yeah kinda bad|yeah kinda bad]]
oh yeah i'm cool\n[[i totally know these dudes]]
yeah you're right\ndamn\nand i've wasted all this time looking up music and everything\n\n[[it's even worse because you tried to be clever about it with this meta narrative of making a game about making the game and it just totally fell flat|it's even worse because you tried to be clever about it with this meta narrative of making a game about making the game and it just totally fell flat 1]]
yeah it isn't though\n\n[[it's even worse because you tried to be clever about it with this meta narrative of making a game about making the game and it just totally fell flat]]
okay i'm listening to top 40 now\ni'm not really into it (check out my signalling there)\n[[but this doesn't solve my problem anyway]]
how can i make myself look good\n[[fit in with the crowd]]\n[[demonstrate superiority by picking something you haven't heard of]]\n[[pick a band i know members of]]\n[[something nerdy that people who play videogames will be into]]
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<<display "stopall">><<playbgm X0Iv3RgEscc 12>><<set $time to 0>>oh yeah, my idea was to do something with a bunch of covers?\nso it's no good to be too obscure\nokay i'll just pick something obvious\n\n[[strum that guitar dude]]
you're right\nhonestly i'm kind of feeling bad about butchering the songs like this\n[[no respect]]
oh yeah i'm cool\ni totally know these dudes\nwell, one of them\nokay not closely\nwell i know his sister's husband\n[[we're friends on facebook anyway]]
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oh yeah my choice of song is going to say something about me\npeople might judge me for it\ni'd better think about that\ncontrol what message i'm sending\ni want people to think i'm cool\n[[gotta pick a song that signals the right things]]
Michael Brough
<<set $time to bgmtime("X0Iv3RgEscc")>>yeah\n<<if $time lt 0.19>>[[jam it bro|strum that guitar dude]]<<else>>[[there is a house]]<<endif>>